27 July 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

Abaza language

20/09/2020 13:20 News 16831
From 71 to 80: We speak Abkhazian / We speak Abaza

Let’s recall the past 10 video lessons of the WAC Infoportal online project “We Speak Abkhazian / We Speak Abaza”. Send the learned phrases online and we will post them on our social pages.

09/09/2020 09:45 Diaspora 26674
WAC courses on the Abaza language in Moscow reopened after a break

After a short break, the World Abaza Congress reopened the Abaza language courses in Moscow. 

18/08/2019 11:20 Diaspora 32608
Abaza language summer courses are held in Turkey

Summer courses of the Abaza language are organized in the Turkish village of Akpynar, which are attended by more than 70 people.

07/02/2019 16:00 Diaspora 20567
Days of Abaza literature and art "To the living fires of the native hearth" opened in Cherkessk

In the framework of the Decade of literature and art of the peoples of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, timed to the 100th anniversary of the autonomous region, the opening of the days of Abaza literature and art "To the living fires of the native hearth" was held in Cherkessk.

03/02/2019 00:25 Diaspora 20038
Issues of preservation and development of the Abaza language were discussed at a round table in Cherkessk

Round table on the topic "Russia is multinational: Abaza. Creating a basic model of preserving the language, culture, traditions of indigenous minorities", organized by the International Association "Alashara", was held in Cherkessk on January 31.