27 July 2024


We unite Abkhaz and Abaza around the world

Viacheslav Chirikba

05/06/2020 19:15 Interview 51355
Abkhazia and Italian city-states: a new book of the Abkhaz scholar Chirikba

A well-known Abkhaz scholar, member of the Supreme Council of the World Abaza Congress, Professor Viacheslav Chirikba told the WAC information portal about his new book “Abkhazia and Italian city-states of the XIII-XV centuries. Relationship Essays.”

03/02/2020 15:10 Video 34714
Viacheslav Chirikba: Congress aims to unite all representatives of the Abaza people

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, member of the Supreme Council of the WAC, Doctor of Philology, Professor Viacheslav Chirikba told about the problems of preserving the Abkhaz language, the goals and objectives of the WAC, and his vision of the work of the Congress.

03/02/2020 15:00 Interview 46471
Viacheslav Chirikba: we must concentrate all our energies on preservation of the Abkhaz language

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, member of the Supreme Council of the WAC, Doctor of Philology, Professor Viacheslav Chirikba told about the problems of preserving the Abkhaz language, the goals and objectives of the WAC, and his vision of the work of the Congress.

16/10/2019 20:00 News 21483
Members of the Presidium of the WAC discussed interim results and future plans

Members of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the WAC met on October 16 to discuss the interim results and outline the Congress’s work plan for the near future.

23/08/2019 08:30 Ethnography 34121
Viacheslav Chirikba: the Welsh experience can help to preserve the Abkhaz language

Viacheslav Chirikba, Chairman of the Bagrat Shinkuba Abkhaz Language Foundation, member of the Supreme Council of the WAC, spoke about the methods of preserving the Abkhaz language using the example of the Wales experience in the UK.

17/03/2019 13:25 Interview 23142
Viacheslav Chirikba: I can say that I am satisfied with my way of life

On the eve of his 60th birthday, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Abkhazia, a member of the Supreme Council of the WAC, doctor of philology, professor Viacheslav Chirikba told the WAC web information portal about choosing a profession, scientific activities, teaching in Europe and his way of life.

25/08/2018 12:10 Events 18984
Chirikba: Leonardo da Vinci's mother could be a native of Abkhazia

The Abkhaz scientist Viacheslav Chirikba in his new book came up with a theory that the mother of the Italian painter Leonardo da Vinci could be an Abkhaz.